Lime Scooter Project #2

The publicly available electric scooter seemingly overnight became a ubiquitous symbol of both the silicon valley and our contemporary culture. It has encapsulated the rapidly growing Gig economy as well as an individual desire for immediacy and extended personal freedom. Working in tandem with a smartphone, people now glide effortlessly through streets and sidewalks, returning their ride to a fleet of identical lime green scooters when they are done. Nearly completely sentencing conventional modes of transportation to quaint obsolescence.

A growing class of smart and ambitious young people are starting to secure their positions in the contemporary structure of production. Home ownership moves further out of the picture for many people and in urban centers cars become a cumbersome hassle. The coming generation has reckoned with these facts and in many cases taken them head on, “van lifers” and ‘global nomads” dominate the cultural landscape, a lack of roots and responsibility gives one the liberty to travel. In our world what it means to be liberated or to be self actualized is changing.


The Heat and The Moment


Works Made in Collaboration With Google’s Computer Vision Software